Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kettlebell Warning Light

"Warning Light"

5x Body-builder & Pull-up combo + 20-meters of Farmer Lunges with 2x 53# KB + 20-meters of Bear Crawl Maximum number of rounds in ten minutes

*GJ Body-Builder defined: set up below the pull-up bar, drop into a Plank, do 2x Push-ups, do 2x Spread Eagles, do 2x Push-ups, then jump up to a Pull-up = one rep

Max rounds


Friday, August 21, 2009

Wall balls and Kettle bells

6 High Pulls
6 Bent Over Row
6 Hang Clean
6 FSPP Front Squat Push Press
6 OHS Over Head Squat
6 Push up with row

3 Rounds

then 150 Wall balls.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Double Unders & TGU


for 2 minutes
Sit-up for 2 minutes
Double-under for 90 secondsSit-up for 90 seconds
Double-under for 1-minute
Sit-up for 1-minute
Double-under for 30 seconds
Sit-up for 30 seconds

6x TGU (3 each side) + 60sec FLR Five Rounds

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


4 rounds

P1: 30 count KB
P2: Plank

4 rounds

Cool Down Chandeliers.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Dead 25

Deadlife 25 2x10

50 2x5
60 2x5
70 3x3
80 5x2
90 % 4x1
MAX 4x1


Dips, pushups and situps.

3:14 JN
2:39 JC